Thursday, May 20, 2010

reality check

I love reality shows. They are my guilty pleasure. My two favorites are Survivor--I think I've watched all 20 seasons (don't judge)--and The Bachelor/Bachelorette. Fortunately, the timing of these shows is quite convenient. Season 20 of Survivor ended on Sunday night. I was semi-disappointed with the result, but I guess when it comes down to it, Sandra did outwit, outlast, and outplay the other 20 contestants. I still wish Jerri had won though...
Anyways, like I said, Survivor ended on Sunday and I was afraid I was going to go through reality show withdrawals because the Bachelor/Bachelorette have not started yet. FORTUNATELY, I found out a few days ago that the Bachelorette will be starting next Monday! So I only have to go a week without a reality show in my life. I think I will survive :)

Now, I do not think I'm the most persuasive poster so most of you won't start watching the Bachelorette on Monday just because I say I like it, BUT if you do, I would just like to express to you all what my mom has said to me many a time after I tell her about my love for the Bachelorette: "That's not reality. That's not how love really happens."

Yes mom, you're right. But it's still fun to watch!


  1. I think it's so funny that we call reality TV "reality" because it is all so scripted...haha, whatever, cuz I still watch and love a lot of it. And I will be watching Bachelorette on Monday, no worries. :)

  2. The Bachelorette is kind of a guilty pleasure of mine, too. It's just so...interesting the situations they get themselves in and the crazy stuff the contestants do. And it's way easy to get attached to the contestants. Haha.

  3. This is really funny'll have to watch the BYU homepage over the next couple of days to find out why!

  4. It does make a mother feel good when her kids remember things their mother tries to teach them...hmmmm....
