sleeping is one of my talents. i am proud of it. i can sleep in nearly any circumstance: lights on, lights off, in a bed, on the floor, with covers, without covers, with five pillows, with no pillows, right side up, upside down, etc. etc. (if you don't believe me, ask my roommates or my mom. they can confirm this) until thursday night, i thought there was NOTHING that could prevent me from sleeping. turns out, i was wrong. there is one thing that can hamper my ability to sleep. namely, music. i never realized how impossible it made sleeping until my new roommate moved in. she likes to listen to music as she falls asleep. and it's not like she is listening to rock or rap music. it's calm, peaceful, beautiful music that i would suppose calms most people. however, for me, there was nothing more distracting. i laid in bed for two hours unsuccessfully trying to fall asleep and that rarely, if ever, happens. i don't know why it made sleeping so impossible. it is quite strange to me especially since nothing else seems to prevent me from sleeping. i can sleep through movies and other noises. there is just something about music that makes sleeping difficult. and i can't figure out what it is...
on another sleeping note:
yahoo is my home page. usually i don't pay much attention to the articles that make the web page, but on friday morning, after my restless night, this article popped up and i was intrigued. so i read it--take a look if you're interested. it's an article called "what does your sleep position reveal about your personality?"
what sleep position am i??? well, according to the last three night's of sleep, i am part of the 5% that changes positions from night to night. i like to switch it up :) unfortunately, there were no explanations regarding this rare 5% and their personalities. maybe that means my personality isn't consistent either. i don't really know. all i know is that i like sleep. and i'm fascinated with what the media has revealed to me about my sleeping habits over the last few days. who would've thought that even the sleeping mind could be affected by the media?!