Wednesday, April 28, 2010

picture perfect

this probably isn't the best way to start out a blog about the media, but i just need to complain for one second about digital cameras. actually, it's not even really a complaint. just a comment about my digital camera use, which can be summed up in one word: excessive. i take so many pictures. and it is a huge problem, especially when trying to pick a picture to display at the top of my blog. i mean, choosing a picture is kind of a big deal, right? it's the first thing people see and it's HUGE--mostly because i can't figure out how to make it smaller but still...i have so many pictures of myself and i just couldn't seem to pick which one would be the best. should it be a serious picture? a cheesy picture? a classy picture? so many pictures of myself made the choice rather difficult especially since i look super great in every single one of them--HAHA. i probably shouldn't tell you this but i have been sitting at my computer for about an hour now going through all the many pictures of myself trying to decide which one would be most appropriate for this blog. such the dilemma...
now, if you happened to miss the picture when you first logged on (which was probably difficult to do considering the size of that thing!) just take a look right above this post and you will be able to see the lucky picture that got chosen. now, many of you may be wondering why i chose the picture i chose. well, this is what i eventually had to do because sometimes i lack assertive decision making skills: randomly select an album, pick the thirty-seventh picture in the album (yes there are at least that many pictures in each of my albums hence the dilemma. also 37 is my favorite number f.y.i.) and wa-lah! picture problem solved. my roommates may not be too happy about the decision (they're the girls with me in the picture) but to them i say, i'm sorry. this was the only solution i could come up with and personally i think they look great!

so now you know a little bit about how this blog came to look the way it looks. and to those of you out there thinking about creating a blog of your own, i have just provided you with a way to choose your blog picture. what can i say? i'm here to help.

well that's all for now. more significant media posts to follow :)


  1. Hahaha; Amy, you are SO funny. I love the picture you chose. Would I have preferred a huge picture of the two of us, yes. But I'll probably get over it. haha, just kidding.
    Also, I'm glad this blog is for your class and you didn't even capatilze your I's. Not judging, just commenting.
    Love the blog; can't wait to read more about the media from you :)

  2. Dang girl. I've never been more excited to read about the media in my life.

  3. ALSO! I would like to comment on digital camera (CAM-er-a ... do I say that weird?) use. And my comment is as follows:
    My complaint against myself and my usage is that I never print my pictures. Or sometimes I do, but then I don't print ALL of them. And it's so difficult to
    1. Decide which to print
    2. Remember which I have printed in the past.
    It can be such a hassle. I miss the days of disposable cameras when I never quite knew which self-portraits would turn out and which wouldn't. AND it was more exciting. With digital cameras, you can look back at the pictures, erase ones where someone looks bad (which I am, of course, often grateful for) and go back through what you've done that day. Not that it's a bad thing, but I miss the joy of getting pictures developed and REMEMBERING how fun that thing was that I did a year earlier (because sometimes I lost my cameras or it took me that long to finish the role) or how pretty that vacation was last week, instead of going through pictures on the camera right after they were taken. It was fun...

  4. oh wow! being that you had such a difficult time deciding on a picture i would not recommend trying to find a "cutesy" blog background anytime soon! haha and just so you're not limited to posting one single picture on your blog! you can add more pictures to the side of your blog like mine.
